Qualcomm Snapdragon 7 Gen 1 Antutu Benchmark score
The Antutu benchmark score of Qualcomm Snapdragon 7 Gen 1 is around 628622. Its rank and results are higher than its competitors, for example the Apple A13 Bionic, which received 621163 marks in this test. The CPU has 8 cores, with a clock rate up to 2.36 GHz and the GPU is Adreno 662. More details about the specification: 1x Cortex A710 2.4Ghz + 3x Cortex A710 2.36Ghz + 4x Cortex A510 1.8Ghz architecture, support memory up to 32 Gb, made with use 4 nm technology, and has 7 TDP. Other great features include built-in modem with a connection speed of up to 2200 Mbps. This processor is used in phones such as the Oppo Reno8 Pro 8 256GB and the Xiaomi 12 Lite 5G NE. You can see how this processor compares with others in the datasheet below.
What is the Antutu Benchmark score of Qualcomm Snapdragon 7 Gen 1?
Processor name | Qualcomm Snapdragon 7 Gen 1 |
Release Date | 6/10/2022 |
CPU Architecture | 1x Cortex A710 2.4Ghz + 3x Cortex A710 2.36Ghz + 4x Cortex A510 1.8Ghz |
Number of Cores | 8 |
Clock Rate | 2.36 GHz |
Chip technology | 4 nm |
GPU | Adreno 662 |
The highest TDP | 7 |
Memory | 32 Gb |
Features | Snapdragon X62 |
Upload Speed (up to) | 2200 Mbps |