MediaTek Helio P60 3DMark Benchmark score
MediaTek Helio P60 has an 3DMark benchmark score of around 578 points, which ranks it above its competitors like the UNISOC Tiger T618 (which received 578 marks in this test). It was used for the UMIDIGI Z2 Pro and the Elephone P11 Max S smartphones. The MediaTek Helio P60 is a powerful processor with great specs, that boasts 8 cores, 2 GHz clock rate, Mali-G72 MP GPU, and a 8 Gb memory support. The CPU is based on the 4 x Cortex-A73 CPU 2GHz + 4 x Cortex-A53 CPU 2GHz architecture, while the chip is made with 12 nm technology and has a 5 TDP. The built-in modem supports speeds up to 100 Mbps. We know you want to see how it results compares with other chips out there, so we've included a datasheet below.

What is the 3DMark Benchmark score of MediaTek Helio P60?
Processor name | MediaTek Helio P60 |
Release Date | 2/26/2018 |
CPU Architecture | 4 x Cortex-A73 CPU 2GHz + 4 x Cortex-A53 CPU 2GHz |
Number of Cores | 8 |
Clock Rate | 2 GHz |
Chip technology | 12 nm |
GPU | Mali-G72 MP |
The highest TDP | 5 |
Memory | 8 Gb |
Features | MediaTek modem |
Upload Speed (up to) | 100 Mbps |